History of the competition
On this page you can find information about past competitions. Please also visit our photo and audio archive!
Sforzando 2014
Honorary President of the competition: Frédéric Lodéon
President of the competition: Aurélien Bernard
President of the jury: Julien Caron
First round: Ecole des Mines - Paris
Final: Collège des Bernardins - Paris, April 26, 2014
Prize Winners:
1st Prize
- Robin Stephenson, piano
- Gabriel Sulem, violin
- Ariane Issartel, cello
2nd Prize
- Miriam Sarah Gruhle, violin
- Charlotte Rehfuess, violin
- Konrad Viebahn, viola
- Adrian-Minh Schumacher, cello
3rd Prize
- François-Xavier Villemin, piano
- Fanny Kassel, violin
- Benoît Stroh, cello
Programme of the 2014 final (in French) – Extraits musicaux
Sforzando 2013
President of the competition: Benedikt Strauss
President of the jury: Linde Dietl
First round: Festival room of the Maximilianeum foundation - Munich
Final: Hochschule für Musik und Theater - Munich, January 6, 2013
Prize Winners:
1st Prize
- David Peterhoff, violin
- Cosima May, violin
- Lisa Klimbacher, viola
- Elisabeth Seitz, cello
2nd Prize
- François-Xavier Villemin, piano
- Fanny Kassel, violin
- Benoît Stroh, cello
3rd Prize
- Richard Mansky, piano
- Daniel Malz, clarinet
Programme of the 2013 final (in German)
Sforzando 2011
President of the competition: Aurélien Bernard
President of the jury: Evan Rothstein
First round: Ecole des Mines - Paris
Final: Collège des Bernardins - Paris, April 9, 2011
Prize Winners:
1st Prize
- Robin Stephenson, piano
- Mathieu Barbin, cello
2nd Prize
- Théo Flavenot, piano
- Christophe Plantin, violin
- Julie Klein, viola
- Eugénie Soulet de Brugière, cello
3rd Prize
- Felicia Graf, violin
- Elisabeth Roth, viola
- Ludwig Rössert, cello
Programme of the 2011 final (in French)
Sforzando 2009
President of the competition: Aurélien Bernard
President of the jury: Rémi Jacobs
First Round: Ecole des Mines - Paris
Final: Salons Boffrand de la Présidence du Sénat - Paris, April 11, 2009
Prize Winners:
1st Prize
- Micael Lubin, clarinet
- Flore Lavergne, clarinet
- Théo Friconneau, bass clarinet
- Rémy Madelénat, clarinet
2end Prize
- Paul Pham, cello
- Noëlla Bédoucha, piano
3rd Prize
- Raphaëlle Gauriau, violin
- Woo-Young Jung, piano
Programme of the 2009 final (in French)
Sforzando 2007
President of the competition: Laura Primard
President of the jury: Christopher Bayton
First Round: Ecole des Mines - Paris
Final: Salle Adyar - Paris, May 26, 2007
Prize Winners:
1st Prize
- Etienne Espagne, violin
- Joseph Najnudel, piano
2nd Prize
- Samuel Hengebaert, viola
- Pauline Perret, piano
3rd Prize
- Joachim Bokobza, violin
- Quentin Perdriau, violin
- Aurélien Billot, viola
- Tristan Fréjacques, cello
Programme of the 2007 final (in French)
Sforzando 2006
President of the competition: Aurélien Bernard
President of the jury: Sylvie Douche
First round: Ecole des Mines - Paris
Final: Salons Boffrand de la Présidence du Sénat - Paris, April 1, 2006
Prize Winners:
1st Prize
- Amandine Mussou, violin
- Louise de Raymond, violin
- Pierre-Yves Plaçais, viola
- Olivier Moulin, cello
2nd Prize
- Anastasie Lefebvre de Rieux, flute
- Floraine Cordier, piano
3rd Prize
- Agathe Cagé, cello
- Julia Cagé, piano
Programme of the 2006 final (in French)
Sforzando 2005
President of the competition: Anne-Laure Messier
President of the jury: Pascal Escande
First round: Ecole des Mines - Paris
Final: Salle Adyar - Paris, April 12, 2005
Prize Winners:
1st Prize
- Michel Mathieu, piano
- Raphaël Fonteneau, violin
- Emmanuel Fuentès, viola
- Eugénie Trémeau, cello
2nd Prize
- Etienne Espagne, violin
- Joseph Najnudel, piano
3rd Prize
- Delphine Feuerstein, piano
- Jeanne Mathieu, violin
- Yannick Grandjean, cello
Programme of the 2005 final (in French)